Radha Madhav Dham invites you and your family to stay with us at our overnight accommodations and experience what living in an Ashram feels like.
Click here to Reserve Room
Your room contribution includes both lodging and three complimentary meals for each night stay
Please note meals will be served during meal times only. Breakfast 7:30 – 8:15 am, Lunch 11:30 am- 12:15 pm, and Dinner 5:30 – 6:15 pm
Private Room with Private Bath:
$90 for the first person and $35 for each extra person in your room.
Private Room with Common Bath:
$65 for the first person and $35 for each extra person in your room.
Note: Children under 3 years of age stay at the ashram for no charge. Please review the guidelines for staying at the ashram prior to making your reservation.
Please make your reservation online. Please call temple at (512) 288 7180 or email reservations@radhamadhavdham.org for more information.
Reservation cancellation on the same day is not permitted.
If you are planning a visit during a celebration, we recommend you make your reservations at least three weeks in advance. For dates of Radha Madhav Dham celebrations, refer to our Calendar.