RMD Shop
A selection of English subtitled lectures and lecture series by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj (Shri Maharaj Ji). HIS discourses reveal the true philosophy from the Vedic scriptures to mankind in the simplest form possible so that they can attain their true goal of God Realization.
Showing 31–40 of 56 results
Krishn Tattva
2 discs with 4 speeches, 30 minutes each
(Hindi with English subtitles)Who Shree Krishn is and how the souls are eternally related to Him? In this speech, Shree Maharajji expresses the true meaning of Janmashtmi and the secret of Shree Krishna’s appearance at midnight on the ashtami (8th day) of the Krishnapaksha in the month of Shravan. You will also learn how a soul can absorb their mind in Lord Krishna and attain Him…
Krishn Steals Radha’s Ring and Radha Steals Krishn’s Ornaments
2 discs with 5 speeches, 26 minutes each
(Hindi with English subtitles)This is a leela performed by a famous Raas Mandali (Troupe) of Vrindaban during the inauguration of Bhakti Mandir, depicting Shree Krishn as “The Great Stealer”. You will enjoy watching how Shree Krishn falls into his own trap while stealing and how Gopis and Radha Rani get even with Krishn in the end. This leela is a sweet depiction of the playfulness that occurred in Braj during the dissension of Shree Krishn and Radha Rani….
Hari Anurag
7 discs with 14 Parts, each 26 minutes
(Hindi with English subtitles)Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj visited Navdweep Dham (the appearance place of Lord Chaitanya) and gave a series of lectures giving a detailed explanation of how the mind can be attached to Krishn and detached from the world. Identify the process of doing true bhakti and purify your heart as you imagine Shree Krishn…
Guru Tattva
3 discs with 5 speeches, 26 minutes each
(Hindi with English subtitles)Vedas emphasize that it is impossible to know God without the help of a true Spiritual Master (Guru). A guru reveals the knowledge of all the scriptures and offers a path that would benefit individuals to develop and practice devotion. In this speech, Shree Maharajji explains the teachings of a true Saint and how they develop a desire in souls to meet Radha Krishn….
Gopi Prem
2 discs with 4 speeches, each 26 minutes
(Hindi with English subtitles)In this speech, Jagadguru Shree Kripalu Ji Maharaj defines Gopi prem (Divine Love). The utmost intensity of love (Gopi Prem) is explained and compared to the materialistic love. Shree Maharaj Ji identifies the love of Radha Krishn to be beyond the love of Gopi Prem. Be familiar with the true happiness and love we are seeking for…
Radha Tattva
1 disc with 2 speeches, 26 minutes each
(Hindi with English subtitles)This speech explains why we worship Shree Radha Rani when the Vedas proclaim Shree Krishn as the supreme power. Through the help of Vedas, Shree Maharajji offers us a simple explanation on the essence of “Hladini Shakti” (divine love powers of Shree Radha Rani) through which she can reach the heights and depths of divine love which no one including Shree Krishn can attain…
Sansar Ek Khilona Hai & Bhagwan Kaise Milenge
2 discs with 4 speeches, 26 minutes each
(Hindi with English subtitles)Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj narrates a conversation between a devotee and Shree Krishn. The devotee in this conversation asks Shree Krishn, “when a worldly mother does not abandon her child then why have you left me in this world to suffer?” Shree Maharajji explains, how all the enjoyments of this world distract a devotee to attain true relationship with God. Watch the speech and focus on how to find God…..
Uddhao Gopi Samvad & Shradha Ka Mahatva
2 discs with 4 speeches, 26 minutes each
(Hindi with English subtitles)Shree Krishn graced His friend and Gyani Saint, Uddhao, by sending him to Braj to ‘teach’ the Gopis the path of gyan. However, in these speeches, you will hear how the Gopis instead showed Uddhao the limits of his knowledge. Identify, “Only gyan that is attained with the Grace of Shree Krishn is true gyan…..
Shree Radha Kripa
2 discs with 4 speeches, 26 minutes each
(Hindi with English subtitles)In this short lecture explaining one of the kirtan, Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj explains that Shree Radha Rani’s nature is to bestow only Grace. In the world, people either love, hate or are have neutral feelings. Depending upon our self-interest, if its fulfilled, then we love; If damaged then we tend to hate. And where we have no self-interest, we remain neutral. Learn through this lecture how we can remain neutral….
Shree Jagannath Puri Dham
2 discs with 4 speeches, 26 minutes each
(Hindi with English subtitles)God says, ‘Do not come to me with your power. Be helpless, be humble and have nothing to be proud of. Be more humble than a blade of grass. Be more forbearing than a tree. Respect everyone, but do not expect it yourself.’ Comprehend these necessary teachings….