RMD Shop
A selection of English subtitled lectures and lecture series by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj (Shri Maharaj Ji). HIS discourses reveal the true philosophy from the Vedic scriptures to mankind in the simplest form possible so that they can attain their true goal of God Realization.
Showing 1–10 of 56 results
Five Chapters of Maharaas from the Bhagwatam
9 discs with 27 speeches, 26 minutes each
(Hindi with English subtitles)Shreemad Bhagwat Maha Puran is the fathomless ocean of Divine Love Bliss and a crown jewel among all other scriptures. The Bhagwatam starts from where the philosophy of the Gita ends. In this series of Bhagwatam, the Supreme Divine Master of this age, crown-jewel of all Rasik Saints, Bhaktiyog-rasavtar, and fifth original Jagadguru, Shree Kripalu Ji Maharaj, reveals Maharaas. He further explains the selfless love of Gopis described in the five chapters called the Heart of Bhagwatam, of Maharaas from the Tenth Canto of Bhagwatam.
This DVD is a PAL- DVD Format
Material Pleasures and Liberation are Demonesses & The Mind is the Doer of all Actions
Radha Madhav Dham
1 disc with 2 speeches, 25 minutes each
(Hindi with English subtitles)Material Pleasures and Liberation are Demonesses
In this speech, Jagadguru Shree Kripalu Ji Maharaj explains the meaning of Bhukti, Mukti, and Bhakti, and how they are separate from each other. This short verse contains the entire spiritual philosophy with only three aims of life. He also explains the three entities in existence and the different classes of material happiness. Therefore, watch this speech to comprehend the most important philosophy, and receive the Bliss of devotion forever …The Mind is the Doer of all Actions
Jagadguru Shree Kripalu Ji Maharaj in this speech apprised the mind as the doer of all our actions. And all our thoughts are noted by God himself while he resides in our heart. He further explains how all the scriptures consider the mind to be the cause of bondage or liberation and that no one’s mind can remain inactive even for a second. Thus, watch the speech to understand that devotion to God can only be done when our mind is attached to God….
This DVD is a PAL- DVD Format -
Maya is not Your Enemy & Desires Cannot be Eliminated
Radha Madhav Dham
1 disc with 3 speeches, 25 minutes each
(Hindi with English subtitles)Maya is not Your Enemy
In this speech, Jagadguru Shree Kripalu Ji Maharaj describes Maya as God’s external power and explains how it helps us go towards God. Moreover, Maya works for the welfare of souls by bringing us closer to God. Maya is a servant of God and yet becomes so powerful. Hence, watch this speech to learn, why Maya shouldn’t be considered as our enemy, and that without God’s grace, Maya will not go away…..Desires Cannot be Eliminated
In this lecture, Jagadguru Shree Kripalu Ji Maharaj explains the five kinds of desires and our huge collection of them. It is impossible to satisfy all our worldly desires when the world itself is endless. Therefore, watch the lecture to understand the root cause of all our desires, and the one solution that will help us attain our goal of receiving Bliss while keeping the desires……This DVD is a PAL- DVD Format
Lakshya Prapti Ka Marg (The Path to Attain Our Ultimate Goal)
Radha Madhav Dham
6 discs with 12 speeches, 26 minutes each
(Hindi with English subtitles)Jagadguru Shree Kripalu Ji Maharaj in this speech explains our ultimate goal by answering questions faced by all the souls: What is our aim? And how will it be attained? He also expounds on the paths of karm, gyan and bhakti and establishes the true path to achieve our ultimate goal . .
This DVD is a PAL- DVD Format
Sunahu Sadhak Pyare (O Deer Seeker of God, Please Listen)
Radha Madhav Dham
6 discs with 13 speeches, 26 minutes each
(Hindi with English subtitles)Jagadguru Shree Kripalu Ji Maharaj says, “This is a very important devotional song of mine……. ‘Sunahu Sadhak Pyare’ is the essence of all the Scriptures, Vedas and Puranas…. if one understands and practically follows it, he does not need to read, hear, understand or do anything else to attain the goal of God realization”.
This DVD is a PAL- DVD Format
Exclusive Love for God (Ananya Prem) & Grace of God (Bhagwan Ki Daya)
Radha Madhav Dham
2 discs with 4 speeches, 26 minutes each
(Hindi with English subtitles)Exclusive Love for God (Ananya Prem)
Jagadguru Shree Kripalu Ji Maharaj in this lecture explains the meaning of ‘ananya’ , which means – no other. He further explains the process of keeping our mind in God’s name…….for exclusive love for God.Grace of God (Bhagwan Ki Daya)
Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj sings and explains a beautiful ‘Kirtan-Tujh sa dayalu nahin Pyare’-No one is as Gracious as You then why have we not received Your Grace….This DVD is a PAL- DVD Format
Life History Series -2
Life History of Jagadguru Shree Kripalu Ji Maharaj
Set of 7 DVD’s – Edited Speeches by Sushree Braj Banchari Devi Ji.
Lecture series given at Radha Madhav Dham.Sushri Braj Banchary ji Is one of the foremost Preachers of His Divine Grace Jagadguru Shree Kripalu Ji Maharaj.She is the daughter of His very close and advanced devotee Mr. H.P Mahabani.Shri Maharaj Ji stayed in Mr. Mahabani’s house for more than 15 years. Thus, Banchary Ji spent her entire childhood in the Divine association of Shir Maharaj Ji. After completing her M.A. in Sanskrit in 1972, Shri Maharaj Ji taught her the philosophy of the Vedas and Shastras after which Didi Ji brought the divine message of her Guru to US and Canada. She was made His preacher in October 1976 and beautifully puts His philosophy of Divine Love in a simple and clear manner for ever one to understand. -
Aju ThagaayaGaee Daee Hon (Oh God! Today I Got Tricked)
Radha Madhav Dham
1 discs with 2 speeches, 27 minutes each
(Hindi with English subtitles)Jagadguru Shree Kripalu Ji Maharaj in this heart-enticing lecture describes a leela (act) where a Gopi was instructed by her friend not to look at Krishn. However, if she accidentally looked at Him, then shouldn’t talk to Him, and if she did talk to Him, not to touch Him. Watch this leela to see how Shree Krishn tricks Gopi to surrender her mind….
This DVD is a PAL- DVD Format
Maiya, Guru Ji Gave Me Wonderful Knowledge.
Radha Madhav Dham
1 discs with 2 speeches, 27 minutes each
(Hindi with English subtitles)Jagadguru Shree Kripalu Ji Maharaj in this speech reveals how Krishn (Kanhaiya) received special knowledge from a Guru (Durvasa Muni) who was giving a discourse by the banks of river Yamuna. Kanhaiya returns home and enlightens Mother Yashoda with the valuable knowledge He received from this saint. This speech enlightens us on the philosophy of Sanatan Dharm based on the evidence from the Vedas. However, watch the speech to know how Mother Yashoda constantly asks Kanhaiya, what is so great about this knowledge?…
This DVD is a PAL- DVD Format
Listening to Complaints, Maiya is Upset
1 discs with 2 speeches, 33 minutes each
(Hindi with English subtitles)Jagadguru Shree Kripalu Ji Maharaj in this heart-enticing lecture describes a leela (act) where Mother Yashodha is upset after listening to numerous complaints against Krishn (Kanhaiya). She finally decides to beat Kanhaiya so she picks up a stick waiting for Kanhaiya to arrive. However, surprising events unfold throughout the leela (act) when Kanhaiya wishes he could have arrived a little later to escape the scolding. Watch this leela (act) to see how Kanhaiya proves that the individual soul cannot grasp Brahm (God) and how he melts a mother’s heart……
This DVD is a PAL- DVD Format